PEPID, the top developer of clinical decision-support information and technology for healthcare professionals, has announced a partnership with the American Hospital Formulary Service (AHFS), the premier provider of drug information. This partnership will put the AFHS Essentials drug information in electronic format, delivered on any mobile device or within any EMR system.
The 2011 AHFS Essentials is the best selling source of comprehensive drug data available for healthcare professionals today. PEPID is now delivering AHFS drug information electronically.
"We are excited to deliver AHSF for the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists," said John Wagner, PEPID President. "PEPID's mobile and system integration expertise on all platforms makes this drug information easily accessible to pharmacists nationwide."
AHFS Essentials data will be available via iPad, iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Online, or seamlessly integrated into any electronic medical record or HIE.
Those attending HIMSS February 20-24 in Orlando are encouraged to stop by PEPID's booth #663 to see a demonstration and the official launch of the electronic AHFS Essentials. The official launch will be held at the PEPID reception Tuesday, February 22 from 4:30-6:30 on the HIMSS exhibit floor.
The hottest topics in healthcare IT are being covered at the HIMSS conference this year: meaningful use, health information exchange (HIE) and mobile technologies. PEPID is an integral part of that excitement – by introducing this vital drug information on mobile devices, or as the basis of drug information within any EMR system, allowing pharmacists and clinicians quick access to essential drug information.
PEPID has provided clinical specialty-focused products since 1994, and offers the most robust medical information resources on the market as well as the best customer service in the industry. Pharmacies and pharmacists are soon to be the recipients of this technology, information and service. PEPID is available on all smartphones, online or delivered into an existing electronic medical record system.