Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Northeast Ohio has announced it is contributing $1.175 million to 14 organizations throughout the area for projects supporting its promise to end breast cancer forever.
“It is such an honor to have been awarded this funding for such a worthy project. With our continued collaboration, the promise made to a dying sister in 1982 will be fulfilled.”
These grants will enable thousands of women and men across Komen Northeast Ohio's 22 county service area to receive life saving screening, while also providing breast cancer education outreach and survivor support programs. Local agencies throughout Northeast Ohio were chosen for their innovative breast cancer programs, with a specific focus on those that assist underinsured, uninsured or women living at the poverty line.
Elaine Campbell, Grant and Development Writer for Mercy Medical Center's Striving to Fulfill the Promise project, acknowledges that funding from Komen Northeast Ohio makes a huge impact on their ability to provide quality, accessible breast health services to those most at risk. "It is such an honor to have been awarded this funding for such a worthy project. With our continued collaboration, the promise made to a dying sister in 1982 will be fulfilled."
Another program funded by Komen Northeast Ohio, The MetroHealth BREAST Program, funds education, outreach and screening services to Latina populations on the West Side of Cleveland. The BREAST Program "takes it to the streets," utilizing mobile mammography units at community events to deliver breast health services to those most in-need. One woman who participated in a community screening said, "I knew I had a lump, but I would not have gone to the doctor to get a breast exam if it wasn't for the screening at the church. I would never have found the breast cancer."
Denise Grcevich, President of Komen Northeast Ohio, says the organization is committed to making a significant impact in the community with the resources available. "Due mostly to the recent economic downturn, this year we are faced with a $300,000 gap between grant requests approved for funding and funds available to support these important programs. This funding gap translates into fewer screenings and less educational outreach throughout our community. We are confident, however, that the organizations receiving funding from Komen Northeast Ohio in 2011 will be able to impact the alarming mortality rates in our region."
Fundraising activities throughout the year enable Komen Northeast Ohio to fulfill these grant requests. In 2010, the annual Komen Northeast Ohio Race for the Cure® included over 18,000 participants and raised $1.6 million. The organization focuses on supporting innovative education, screening and survivor support programs that reach diverse, underserved populations across its entire 22 county service area.