Biotage (STO:BIOTA):
Interim report January - June 2011
-- Group net sales amounted to 98.6 MSEK (103.5) in the second quarter and to 205.8 MSEK (203.4) in the period January - June. At comparable exchange rates net sales increased by 8 percent in the quarter and by 12 percent the first six months.
-- The operating result amounted to 1.8 MSEK (7.6) in the second quarter and to 4.4 (MSEK 12.3) in the period January - June.
-- The result after tax amounted to 2.4 MSEK (6.6) in the second quarter and to 3.9 MSEK (9.8) in the period January - June.
-- Earnings per share amounted to 0.03 SEK (0.08) in the second quarter and to 0.05 SEK (0.11) the first six months.
-- The cash flow from operating activities amounted to 15.1 MSEK (13.8) in the second quarter and to 62.0 MSEK (38.6) in the period January- June.
-- Net cash at June 30, 2011 amounted to 179.7 MSEK, compared to 172.7 MSEK at December 31, 2010.
-- In the second quarter dividends to shareholders were paid to the amount of 19.9 MSEK (17.3).
-- After the resolution at the Annual General Meeting on April 27, 2011to cancel all shares repurchased during previous repurchasing programs the number of shares totals 79,637,688. During the second quarter Biotage has, based on the renewed authorization given by the AGM, repurchased 1,580,400 own shares to a total value of 10.9 MSEK and an average share price of 6.89 SEK. The company's possession of own shares thus totals 1,580,400, corresponding to 2.0 percent of the capital and votes in the company.