Sosei Group Corporation ("Sosei"; TSE Mothers Index: 4565), announces that its wholly owned subsidiary Activus Pharma Co., Ltd. ("Activus") is to receive a grant for its "Development of Innovative Ophthalmic Solutions" from the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), an Incorporated Administrative Agency under the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as a part of their FY2011 Innovation Promotion Programme.
The grant is awarded to private sector companies that focus on development of advanced technologies with practical application, and is intended to enhance the global competitiveness of Japanese companies, as well as to promote development of new industries.
Using Activus Pure Nano-particle Technology (APNT) and surface-modified nanoparticle technology, Activus is focusing on development of high value-added products that would solve the problems existing formulations are facing. To explore the potential of APNT in treatment of ophthalmic diseases, Activus has signed a collaboration agreement with Professor Hifofumi Takeuchi (Pharmaceutical Engineering Laboratory) and Professor Hideaki Hara (Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology) of Gifu Pharmaceutical University and is now working on the development of novel posterior eye segment medication. Posterior eye segment disease such as diabetic retinopathy and age-related maculopathy is the primary cause of blindness and other visual impairments in middle age. An effective and easy-to-use medication has still not been invented, and the development of an innovative treatment is anticipated.
Within this subsidized project, Activus will be working on the development of novel ophthalmic solutions that would differ from the existing treatments because they would be delivered to the posterior eye segment. In that way, Activus would contribute to the QOL improvement in patients with visual impairments.
Up to two thirds of the development costs incurred for this project between 23 August 2011 and 28 February 2013 will be subsidized by the grant from NEDO.