Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center has received CEO Cancer Gold Standard™ accreditation, recognizing the center's commitment to reducing cancer risk by promoting healthy lifestyle choices, encouraging early detection through cancer screenings, and ensuring access to quality treatment for their own employees and their covered family members, as well as the patients whom they serve.
“CEO Cancer Gold Standard accreditation is further testament that Memorial Sloan-Kettering's efforts to improve health begin with improving the health of their own employees.”
Christopher A. Viehbacher chairs the CEO Roundtable on Cancer, a nonprofit organization of cancer-fighting CEOs who created the CEO Cancer Gold Standard™, in collaboration with the National Cancer Institute, many of its designated cancer centers, and leading health non-profit organizations and professionals. Today, more than two million employees and family members are benefiting from the vision and leadership of Gold Standard employers
Together with Memorial Sloan-Kettering and the National Cancer Institute itself, other NCI-designated cancer centers that are Gold Standard accredited include: Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Duke Medicine, Fox Chase Cancer Center, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute, University of Colorado Hospital, Vanderbilt University Medical Center and The Wistar Institute.
"This Gold Standard accreditation is an acknowledgement of the leadership of Memorial Sloan-Kettering's President and CEO, Dr. Craig B. Thompson, and his dedication to the health of employees and their families," said Christopher A. Viehbacher, CEO of Sanofi. "CEO Cancer Gold Standard accreditation is further testament that Memorial Sloan-Kettering's efforts to improve health begin with improving the health of their own employees." The health and well-being of these employees and their dependents are supported by the MSKCC Employee Wellness Program which offers convenient access to services such as nutritional guidance, exercise and fitness counseling, tobacco cessation, weight management, stress reduction and counseling, integrative medicine, cancer screening tests, work/life balance programs and much more.
The CEO Cancer Gold Standard™ calls for employers to evaluate their health benefits and corporate culture and take extensive, concrete actions in five key areas of health and wellness to fight cancer in the workplace. To earn Gold Standard accreditation, a company must establish programs to reduce cancer risk by discouraging tobacco use; encouraging physical activity; promoting healthy diet and nutrition; detecting cancer at its earliest stages; and providing access to quality care, including participation in clinical trials.