Nov 19 2011
Pfizer Inc. today announced that it has received the 2011 Business Civic Leadership Center's Corporate Citizenship Award in the Best International Ambassador category for Pfizer's Global Health Partnerships program. The "Citizens" Awards honor excellence in corporate citizenship and civic leadership for initiatives in both the United States and across the world.
"The essence of a successful corporate social responsibility program is when it becomes a model that other companies want to imitate," said U.S. Chamber of Commerce Business Civic Leadership Center Founder and Executive Director Stephen Jordan. "This award for Pfizer's Global Health Partnership validates what many companies have known for a long time. This is a great program."
Pfizer's Global Health Partnerships (GHP) combines the philanthropic and in-kind resources of the Pfizer Foundation and Pfizer Inc. to combat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) by strengthening healthcare systems and infrastructure to support cancer and tobacco control efforts. The fight against NCDs and their risk factors, such as tobacco use, has largely been neglected in overseas development aid to low and middle income countries. Only 2% of the more than $44 billion in aid has been devoted to fighting these diseases in the developing world. Pfizer and the Pfizer Foundation recognize this gap and through GHP have invested $47 million over four years in promising cancer and tobacco-control partner organizations operating in 46 countries.
"Through Pfizer's Global Health Partnerships, Pfizer supports the growth of promising cancer- and tobacco-control organizations united by the shared mission of accelerating the pace of progress in the fight against cancer," said Caroline Roan, vice president, Corporate Responsibility and president of the Pfizer Foundation. "Pfizer is proud to be awarded Best International Ambassador Award and for its commitment to foster a culture of results-oriented discovery and innovation."