Dec 30 2011
Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics (Euronext: AMT), a leader in the field of human gene therapy, announced today that the Company has raised € 2.5 million in new equity by means of a private placement to three of its existing shareholders: Forbion Capital Partners, Gilde Healthcare Partners and Advent Venture Partners.
Under the terms of the transaction, AMT has agreed to issue 7,352,938 new shares at a price of € 0.34 per share, being the closing price on December 29, 2011, when the shares were placed. The proceeds of this issue will provide additional flexibility to further explore its strategic options to secure the financial stability of the Company. The proceeds do not eliminate the Company's negative equity position, which will continue after completion of the equity raising, which is expected to take place on or around January 4, 2012, and the Company's financial prospects remain as described in the announcement of December 15, 2011.
As a result of the private placement, the Company's issued share capital will amount to 31,051,454 shares.
Pursuant to the Financial Supervision Act (Wet op het financieel toezicht) there is no obligation to publish a prospectus approved by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiele Markten) in relation to the equity raising or the admission of the new shares to trading on NYSE Euronext in Amsterdam. The Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets does not supervise the equity raising or the admission of the new shares to trading on NYSE Euronext in Amsterdam.
Amsterdam Molecular Therapeutics (AMT) B.V