SonoPhoto Dynamic Therapy shows promise against squamous cell carcinoma

George Miller developed an ulcer on his bottom lip that began to bleed.  His doctor sent cell scrapings to a pathologist, and diagnosed Miller with squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).  According to TMD Limited, a medical tourism company, squamous cell carcinoma is the 2nd most common cancer in humans and other animals. 

Squamous cell cancers can occur on the skin, lips, mouth, esophagus, bladder, prostate, lung,  vagina and cervix.  In 2010, there were more than 1 million new cases in the United States.  Most are removed surgically, and the site is treated with external beam radiation or internal radiation (brachytherapy).  Treatment is based on the size, type, location and depth of penetration, plus age and health condition of the patient.  Physicians often use Mohs surgery to slice off the tumor, then remove a very thin layer around the lesion to check for malignant cells.  If cancer cells are found, they slice off another layer and check again, until they reach a slice with no cancer cells.  This surgery is most commonly done on the face and hands.  Still, SCC tends to recur within 2 years at the same site, even with clean margins.

Risk factors include smoking, alcohol use and hematopoietic stem cell transplants.  Over exposure to UV rays and exposure to arsenic in water in industrial areas also raise the risk of SCC.

About 30% of mouth and throat cancers develop from the Human Papillomavirus (HPV).  Symptoms include reddish areas or lesions, often with intermittent bleeding, or ulcers with hard raised edges. 

Other lip and oral cavity cancers may present as a white or red patch or lump on the gum, tongue, tonsils or lining of the mouth, loose teeth, swelling of the jaw, sore throat, trouble swallowing and change of voice.  These cancers are often detected during a routine dental exam.  While these cancers are usually slow growing, most have already spread at the time of diagnosis.

Miller's oncologist ordered scans and labs, and discovered more squamous cell cancer in the lymph nodes in his neck and lesions in his lungs.  He suggested that Miller immediately undergo radical surgery followed by chemotherapy and radiation.  Even with treatment, there is only a 16% five year survival rate for SCC that has spread to the lungs.  Miller decided to get another opinion.

Miller sought the advice of his minister and he called a friend who had traveled to Mexico for successful cancer treatment a few years before.  After failed conventional treatment, his friend  went to  Mexico for treatments that are not available in the USA.  According to TMD Limited, over half a million Americans now travel outside the country for medical treatment each year, mainly to avoid chemotherapy and radiation treatments and their side effects.

Miller hit the internet and found dozens of sites for alternative cancer clinics.  He called several, and sent his records to about 5 clinics.  He spoke to the doctors and finally flew to Baja and toured his final 3 choices.  "I was amazed at what I found in Baja.  I toured a 20 story modern hospital, an outpatient clinic and a small inpatient clinic right on the beach.  These facilities were spotless, and the staff at each place was professional and efficient.  I finally chose the small inpatient clinic – every single staff person was smiling and friendly.  It just felt like the place I wanted to be," Miller said.

Miller chose Hope4Cancer Institute, founded by Antonio Jimenez, M.D.  The clinic has 8 physicians and only takes 10 patients at a time.  "We use a variety of aggressive natural therapies that are mainstream treatments in many countries – just not in the US.  We never use chemo or radiation.  Our treatments work quickly and have no side effects," Jimenez explained. "We treat the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of cancer, and our success rates rival anything conventional medicine has to offer."

One of those aggressive therapies is SonoPhoto Dynamic Therapy (SPDT).  Dr. Jimenez is considered the world expert in this treatment method.   Patients are given a natural chlorophyll powder under the tongue, which is quickly absorbed by all the cells.  Within 24 hours, normal cells wash it back out, but it remains in the cancer cells.  Then sound and light frequencies are  pulsed through the body.  When sound and light hit chlorophyll, it causes photosynthesis, which is a chemical reaction that explodes free radical oxygen right into the cancer cells and kills them.  Tumors shrink up to 30% in just the first 14 days of treatment.

"I did my research," Miller explained.   "In the US, anything other than standard of care – surgery, chemotherapy and radiation – is considered 'alternative'.  Even chiropractic, acupuncture and massage are considered alternative.  What the word really means is that if it doesn't include drugs or surgery the FDA doesn't consider it effective.  Yet dozens of countries with higher success rates than the US use these treatments as front line therapy. Twenty years ago, doctors were run out of the country for using Vitamin C infusions.  Now they are done by medical doctors all over the country.  Hopefully someday we'll learn that drugs aren't always the answer, and these more natural therapies will become the norm.  Our medical establishment just hasn't caught up yet."

Miller's protocol included local and whole body hyperthermia, SonoPhoto Dynamic Therapy, IVs, vaccines, detoxification, nutrition, immune support, biological dentistry and lifestyle counseling.  "They gave me tools to work with," he said.   "They taught me about nutrition, and they warned me that if I went home and had a soda pop and donuts for breakfast, my cancer would probably come back.  I'm exercising, eating right and have taken steps to reduce stress. I quit smoking, and stopped eating junk food. My latest tests are clean, and I'm confident I will stay healthy.  And for anyone contemplating radical surgery – I recommend doing your homework!" Miller advised.



  1. carolyn doherty carolyn doherty United States says:

    I found this article to be very interesting.

    The article states: "Yet dozens of countries with higher success rates than the US use these treatments as front line therapy."  I have only found one in Mexico. Could you please tell me what other countries and clinics specifically use SonoPhoto Dynamic Therapy and Hyperthermia?

    Thank you,

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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