PSI launches latest issue of Impact magazine

PSI, a leading international health organization with programs in 67 countries, launches the latest issue of its development magazine Impact, which focuses on the power of youth.

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Today, 50 percent of the world's population is under 27 years old. The prosperity of our future world rests on the health and well-being of today's Millennial generation. 

Yet, the global health community has traditionally failed to put youth at the top of the development agenda. Governments, donors and advocacy organizations are just beginning to tackle the distinct challenges of unlocking the massive potential of a healthy youth population. 

This issue of Impact explores the challenges facing the world's youth and profiles some of the most successful people, interventions and ideas addressing them.

Exclusive interviews in Impact include:

  • Barbara Pierce Bush, Co-Founder & CEO of Global Health Corps and PSI Board Member
  • Mandy Moore, Singer–Songwriter, Actress and PSI Global Ambassador
  • Ronan Farrow, Special Adviser to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Global Youth Issues
  • Prof. Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum

Also in this issue, five youth from Africa, Central Asia and Latin America – Genevieve Doukoya, Edgar Anibal Miranda, Whitney Davis, Patricia Montcho and Dinara Utebayeva – talk about leading their peers towards better health through radio shows and peer education programs.

As Mandy Moore said, "We are in the position to affect change when it comes to policies and government. Now is the time to own it, to own that power, and really use that momentum to push forward and create some change."




The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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