Cigna offers free telephonic consultations to people affected by Boston Marathon explosions

Cigna's behavioral health unit is offering free telephonic consultations for two weeks to people who are coping with yesterday's tragedy at the Boston Marathon. Cigna's behavioral health professionals are qualified clinicians who are skilled at helping people cope with traumatic events.

“We grieve for those who lost their lives or were injured in Boston, and for their families”

People who don't have health benefits or employee assistance program benefits with Cigna can call this special toll-free number 24 hours a day during the next 14 days, through April 30, 2013: 1.866.912.1687.

People who have health benefits or employee assistance program benefits with Cigna should call the telephone number on their Cigna ID card.

"We grieve for those who lost their lives or were injured in Boston, and for their families," said David Cordani, president and CEO of Cigna. "We take comfort in all of the good and decent people who have come to the aid of those who need it."


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