Medicaid expansion unlikely in Ohio, Texas; California moves forward

As the clock continues to wind down on state legislative sessions, the optional expansion of eligibility for the program looks unlikely in those states. But, in California, health care advocates offer a compromise approach on how to move ahead.

The Associated Press: Protestors Demand Medicaid Expansion As Hopes Fade
Dozens of protesters marched through the Texas Capitol on Wednesday, demanding expansion of the Medicaid program, but Democrats said political pressure from the governor was preventing the Legislature from considering the measure. Chanting, "We need health care, we can't wait," members of the Texas Organizing Project marched around the Capitol's rotunda holding photos of key lawmakers with the word "FAILED" stamped on them (Tomlinson, 5/9).

The Texas Tribune: As Clock Ticks, Chance For Medicaid Expansion Dwindles
With the prospect of Medicaid expansion on life support, protesters gathered at the Capitol on Wednesday to urge state leadership to expand coverage to poor adults, and state Democrats announced that they're still searching for a legislative vehicle to expand coverage (Aaronson and Batheja, 5/8).

CQ HealthBeat: Republican Legislator Resistance To Medicaid Slows Expansion
Action in the Ohio legislature -; or rather, a lack of it -; is raising questions about whether Ohio will be the next state that does not implement a Medicaid expansion even though its Republican governor supports it. That was the case in Florida, where Gov. Rick Scott first opposed the idea of broadening eligibility for the program (Adams, 5/9).

California Healthline: Compromise Proposed For Medi-Cal Expansion
A new plan is expected to be unveiled today offering a compromise approach to the state's optional Medi-Cal expansion. Health Access California, a not-for-profit health advocacy organization came up with the plan as a bridge between the state's rough outline in the budget for two choices -- a state-administered or county-administered approach. More than one million Californians will be newly eligible for Medi-Cal under the optional expansion to those people making up to 138 percent of federal poverty level. The federal government will pay 100 percent of expansion costs for the first three years, and 90 percent thereafter (Gorn, 5/8).

http://www.kaiserhealthnews.orgThis article was reprinted from with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.



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