New Smartphone app helps maintain accurate records to manage diabetes

Vital improvements can be made to patients diabetes control, by ensuring a recent blood glucose history is available to their Specialist Nurse. Traditionally patients have recorded their results in a paper logbook but now the new app from GlucoMen is a fantastic alternative using Smartphone technology to ensure a complete and accurate record.

The GlucoLog Lite app records all test results so that patients will always have their glucose history at consultations, enabling analysis of the effectiveness of their treatment.  Important decisions can be made to help avoid the sometimes devastating long term complications of diabetes.

Furthermore, results within the app can be viewed in various formats, a simple logbook, graph or chart. And results can even be emailed between patient and healthcare professional, for analysis and advice at any time.

Chris Betts , Business Unit Manager for GlucoMen is quoted saying "The free GlucoLog Lite app has been designed to help people with diabetes manage their condition using their Smartphone to store vital information and share it with their specialist. No longer should results be scribbled into a paper diary.  It is estimated that over 30% of people in the UK now own a Smartphone so GlucoLog Lite offers people with diabetes a convenient way to improve their care."

Glucose results can be entered into the GlucoLog Lite app in two ways, either manually or using another recently released product from GlucoMen called GlucoLog Bluetooth device.  This device will link up with the Smartphone to quickly download all results to the app from the blood glucose meter.




The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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