Study reveals connection between impaired hGH levels, sleep fragmentation

If you've heard that Growth Hormone therapy can reduce wrinkles, tighten saggy skin, decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass, boost energy, rev up sex drive, and make you look and feel decades — not years, but DECADES — younger, you can now add one more ostensible benefit to the list… a good night's sleep!

This subject is causing a lot of buzz at SLEEP 2013, the 27th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies. A study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology revealed a connection between impaired hGH levels and sleep fragmentation. And now the research team behind SeroVital®-hgh, an oral compound that's been proven to increase mean, serum (blood) growth hormone levels by 682%, is conducting its own studies to assess the effects of increased hGH levels and sleep, and is presenting that information at SLEEP 2013.

"The individuals who use SeroVital®-hgh keep telling us over and over again how much better they've been sleeping since they started taking SeroVital," says Dr. Amy Heaton , PhD, Director of Scientific Affairs for SanMedica International™, SeroVital's distributor, "so we decided to conduct our own pilot sleep study to investigate the direct effects of SeroVital®-hgh on parameters of sleep efficiency."

The preliminary results showed that in subjects taking SeroVital prior to bedtime for twenty consecutive days, both time to fall asleep and time awake in the night decreased exponentially. These results make sense because natural hGH levels are known to be highest in the first half of sleep and play an important role in our ability to reach deep stages of slow wave sleep, the stages that we are less able to attain as we age. SeroVital appears to be an entirely different category of sleep aid because it isn't a sedative. Rather, SeroVital®-hgh appears to simply assist users in obtaining more restful sleep and awaking more refreshed in the morning. "Although these are preliminary results, they suggest progressively greater sleep efficiency as measured by sleep latency and time awake in the night, and they're compelling enough that we plan on conducting a larger multi-center study on this topic in the near future," says Dr. Heaton.

SeroVital-hgh has been making a name for itself in the research world since it was first introduced at the prestigious Obesity Society's most recent Annual Scientific Meeting in San Antonio, Texas. Since that time, SeroVital has also been presented at The Academy of Women's Health's 21st Annual Congress in Washington, D.C., and The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists 61st Annual Clinical Meeting in New Orleans, Louisiana.

But it isn't just those involved with the world of clinical research that have become interested in SeroVital. It's been featured in Shape and Ok! magazines, on The Dr. Oz Show, Radar Online, KMAX Good Day Sacramento,, and New York Live, to name a few, and makeup artists and celebrity beauty gurus have been gushing about it for months.

In addition to its impact on the sleep industry, human growth hormone is quickly rising to the forefront of the "anti-aging" world thanks to a number of recent studies on its effects on skin and aging. With all the research showing just how vital hGH is to so many of the body's functions, an awful lot of people have stopped asking if they should be increasing their hGH levels and started asking which hGH-boosting option is right for them.

Until recently, most felt the best way to increase our hGH levels was through prescription injections. The problem with these injections is that they're extremely expensive (costs can run as high as $1500 per month), and highly controversial… some experts argue against the use of these synthetic injections because they fear introducing synthetic hGH into the body may upset natural hGH production.

"That's what makes SeroVital so revolutionary," says Dr. Heaton. "Rather than introducing synthetic hGH into the body via injections, SeroVital increases the body's own, endogenous levels of human growth hormone by promoting pituitary health, the gland that manufactures hGH. SeroVital not only provides a more affordable way for people to raise their hGH levels, but does so in a clinically proven way that allows users to achieve this naturally and without the risks associated with injections."

Still, some skeptics are saying SeroVital sounds too good to be true. So is there a catch? Well, there are three. First, as with HGH injections, SeroVital is not a "magic bullet," but one part of a healthy lifestyle choice including a sensible diet and exercise regimen.

Second, for proper absorption, you have to take SeroVital-hgh on an empty stomach. That means you either have to take it first thing in the morning and then not eat anything for two hours, or take it at night, at least two hours after your last meal... before you go to bed.

And last but not least, while SeroVital is far less expensive than prescription HGH injections, it's still not cheap... SeroVital will cost you about $100 a month.

But is it worth it? To most people, anything that may reduce wrinkles, tighten saggy skin, decrease body fat, increase lean muscle mass, strengthen bones, and boost mood, while giving you plenty of energy, improving your sex drive and helping you sleep better is a no-brainer. However, make no mistake about it, the "established" medical community (and of course, they know everything) would say its benefits are largely anecdotal, with research that's preliminary. But there's no denying that something that has a chance of making you look and feel decades, not years, but DECADES, younger, is... at the very least... irresistible.



The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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