CytomX collaborates with Pfizer to develop, commercialize more effective antibody-drug conjugates

CytomX Therapeutics, Inc., a biotechnology company developing a new generation of targeted antibody therapeutics, today announced that it has entered into a global strategic collaboration with Pfizer Inc. to develop and commercialize multiple Probody™-Drug Conjugates (PDCs). CytomX's novel Probody Platform brings to the collaboration a proprietary, highly differentiated approach to developing safer and more effective antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs). PDCs are engineered to combine cytotoxic agents with masked Probodies that remain inert in healthy tissue but are activated specifically in the tumor microenvironment, opening up new target space for this emerging therapeutic class.

“Combining our novel Probody Platform with Pfizer's broad capabilities in ADCs marks an important milestone for CytomX and underscores the potential of our Probody Platform to enable new generations of empowered antibodies”

"Combining our novel Probody Platform with Pfizer's broad capabilities in ADCs marks an important milestone for CytomX and underscores the potential of our Probody Platform to enable new generations of empowered antibodies," said Sean McCarthy, D.Phil., chief executive officer of CytomX. "Our innovative science is driving the development of groundbreaking Probodies and PDCs that have already demonstrated preclinical activity when selectively activated within the tumor microenvironment. We look forward to collaborating with Pfizer with the aim of researching and developing highly differentiated PDC products that have the potential to change the way cancer is treated."

Under the terms of the agreement, Pfizer has exclusive rights to pursue development and commercialization of select PDCs. The companies will work together on preclinical research and Pfizer will be responsible for development and potential commercialization of any selected PDCs. CytomX will be eligible to receive up-front, research reimbursement and preclinical milestone payments totaling approximately $25 million and approximately $610 million in regulatory and sales milestone payments, as well as tiered royalties reaching double digits on potential future sales.

"This partnership is a great example of how Pfizer is seeking to innovate new capabilities in cutting-edge science and technology platforms with the aim of delivering safer, more effective cancer medicines to patients," said Robert T. Abraham, senior vice president and chief scientific officer, Pfizer's Oncology Research Unit. "Pfizer's investment in CytomX's emerging Probody Platform is an important component of our overall strategic focus to advancing the next generation of ADCs and reflects the disruptive potential of this approach."

SOURCE CytomX Therapeutics, Inc.


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