Patients press forward with health apps

Fox News reports how one specific app is helping give patients more access to their doctors while Kaiser Health News looks at how the increase in available apps also raises questions about what works and doesn't.

Fox News: New App Gives Patients More Access To Doctors
Eight minutes: that's the average time a patient spends with his or her doctor during an appointment. And for many, it's just not enough. To battle this ongoing problem, Dr. Gopal Chopra, a neurosurgeon-turned-entrepreneur, developed a free app called PingMD that enables a person to stay in contact with his or her doctor outside of office visits. … Now, hundreds of physicians in numerous specialties are using the app to simplify the communication process. PingMD is especially popular with pediatricians, who deal with lots of questions from new parents (6/19).

Kaiser Health News: Patients Lead The Way As Medicine Grapples With Apps
Health apps such as My Fitness Pal are turning smartphones and tablets into exercise aides, blood pressure monitors and devices that transmit an EKG. And the day is not far off when doctors may be suggesting apps along with prescribing drugs to help patients manage their health. But the explosion of apps is way ahead of tests to determine which ones work (Bebinger, 6/18).

http://www.kaiserhealthnews.orgThis article was reprinted from with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.



  1. Scott Wallace, PhD, RPsych Scott Wallace, PhD, RPsych Canada says:

    Not quite accurate, in fact the UK government had strongly pushed for doctor presription of apps last year and many have followed suit accordingly. Some HMOs in the UK and in the US (I"m from Canada, not yet happening) and doctors in the US are jumping on board somewhat slowly of course. (Scott Wallace Clinical Psychology, Infomatics, Creative and Social Media Director for Homewood Human Solutions

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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