The Iowa Clinic installs Aquilion PRIME 80 CT system, upgrades Aquilion 64 with VeloCT from Toshiba

Lowering radiation dose and ensuring patient safety in an outpatient setting, The Iowa Clinic installed an Aquilion™ PRIME 80 CT system and upgraded its Aquilion 64 with VeloCT from Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. As a result, The Iowa Clinic has significantly lowered dose while maintaining the image quality needed for accurate diagnoses.

“With advanced CT, The Iowa Clinic can achieve the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle, making every exam as safe as possible.”

"We wanted to provide our patients with the safest CT systems available today while positioning ourselves for the future," said Austin Lepper, administrative director, Ancillary Services, The Iowa Clinic. "With the Aquilion PRIME 80 and VeloCT upgrade from Toshiba, we can reassure patients that exams are being conducted with advanced technology and the lowest, most appropriate dose."

The Aquilion PRIME 80 can generate 80 unique slices per rotation, while the Aquilion 64 with the VeloCT console enables 128-slice imaging for increased patient safety, image quality and workflow. Both feature AIDR 3D, Toshiba's most advanced iterative dose reconstruction software, incorporating significant system enhancements by reducing radiation dose, compared to conventional scanning.

"Toshiba partners with its customers to provide advanced dose management tools and workflow solutions for safer CT exams," said Satrajit Misra, senior director, CT Business Unit, Toshiba. "With advanced CT, The Iowa Clinic can achieve the As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) principle, making every exam as safe as possible."

The Iowa Clinic also recently installed an Aquilion RXL and utilizes an Aquilion 16 and a Vantage Atlas™ 1.5T MR from Toshiba.

SOURCE Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc.


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