PinnacleHealth installs RADREX-i Wireless DR X-ray system from Toshiba

Offering its clinicians more flexibility while improving patient safety and workflow, PinnacleHealth installed a RADREXTM-i Wireless digital radiographic (DR) X-ray system from Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc. PinnacleHealth utilizes the system for a variety of general exams, including orthopedic, pediatric and bariatric imaging.

“Additionally, the system makes exams safer for patients with its RexProtect dose savings technology, without sacrificing image quality.”

"Our high-volume outpatient imaging center required an X-ray system that would improve productivity and patient throughput," said Karen Botts, administrative director, Imaging, PinnacleHealth. "The RADREX-i Wireless enhances workflow with its wireless detector, while automated technology like RexView allows technologists to make point-of-care decisions by reviewing images bedside."

The RADREX-i Wireless features a lightweight, easy-to-use, cableless 14" x 17" panel. The wireless panel improves image quality, as it can be positioned more closely to the anatomy when performing out-of-bucky work, including tabletop imaging of extremities, such as hands, wrists, forearms and feet, and wheelchair- and gurney-patient imaging.

"The RADREX-i Wireless is a digital, versatile and patient-friendly system that was designed for more efficient exams," said Shuzo Yamamoto, senior vice president, Toshiba. "Additionally, the system makes exams safer for patients with its RexProtect dose savings technology, without sacrificing image quality."

SOURCE Toshiba America Medical Systems, Inc.


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