Our Lady of the Lake Trauma Center certified as Level II Trauma Center

The Our Lady of the Lake Trauma Center has earned official designation from the American College of Surgeons and the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals as a Level II Trauma Center. This verification makes the Lake's trauma center the only such center in the greater Baton Rouge region.

"Having a trauma center in Baton Rouge will mean patients with severe injuries will have a better chance of surviving and recovering. The intention of a designated Trauma Center is to minimize the time from an accident or disaster to the injured patient being taken care of. Time often referred to as the 'Golden Hour,' saves lives and more lives are saved in communities with a Trauma Center," said Tomas Jacome, MD, Chief Trauma Surgeon, Our Lady of the Lake.

Research by the American College of Surgeons says trauma patients who receive care at designated trauma centers have a decreased risk of death. In their study, researchers reviewed more than 1,300 patients with hypotensive penetrating trauma and blunt traumatic brain injuries. When they compared survival rates of patients treated in an emergency room to that of patients who received care in a trauma center, the American College of Surgeons researchers concluded, "The risk of death is considerably lower among patients requiring early operative intervention if they are treated at a designated trauma center."

Trauma centers are distinguished from an emergency room because the center brings together more healthcare disciplines that are available 24 hours a day. These include trauma surgeons, emergency care physicians, nurses and techs, respiratory therapists, laboratory technicians, a blood donor center and even pastoral care.

"Our Lady of the Lake has long had the infrastructure and resources in place to support trauma care in Baton Rouge. This official designation recognizes our dedication and ability to provide the highest level of care for the most critical cases," said Scott Wester, Chief Executive Officer, Our Lady of the Lake.

Established by the American College of Surgeons in 1987, the trauma center verification program ensures hospitals that develop trauma centers provide not only the hospital resources necessary for trauma care, but also the entire spectrum of care to address the needs of all injured patients. This spectrum encompasses the pre-hospital phase through the rehabilitation process.

Verified trauma centers must meet the essential criteria that ensure trauma care capability and institutional performance, as outlined by the American College of Surgeons' Committee on Trauma. Verification occurs only following an on-site review by a team of experienced site reviewers from the American College of Surgeons.


Our Lady of the Lake


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