CARUNDA24: A non-invasive continuous blood pressure measurement system

Crowdfunding Campaign for Revolutionary Blood Pressure Measuring System

Freienbach, Switzerland: About 1 in 4 people in Switzerland suffer from high blood pressure; worldwide more than 1 billion people are affected increasing the risk of heart attack, cerebral haemorrhage or a stroke. Unfortunately, most affected people don't measure their blood pressure regularly as the measurement method is too complicated and uncomfortable to be part of a daily routine. The Swiss medtech company STBL Medical Research AG (STBL) has developed together with Art of Technology AG and EMPA (Material Science & Technology) a new measurement method, namely CARUNDA24: a non-invasive continuous blood pressure measurement system, worn on your wrist - just like a watch! STBL is launching an international crowdfunding campaign to raise CHF 500'000 required to fund the development, clinical validation and production of the CARUNDA24 system.

Today, patients have the choice of two main methods of measuring blood pressure: either a pressure-cuff on the upper or lower arm, which is activated every 15 minutes over a period of several hours to compress the arm, or invasive monitoring via a catheter inserted into the artery. However, both methods are unpleasant and uncomfortable and are avoided by many, whenever possible. Professor Dr. med. Thomas F. Lüscher (Director of Cardiology Clinic at the University Hospital of Zurich) explains: "This new mobile system with its continuous monitoring of the blood pressure and analysis of other vital parameters, such as the detection of health status of the blood vessels (stiffness, elasticity), opens completely new possibilities in the diagnosis and treatment of cardiovascular diseases."

Sensors Allow Blood Pressure Measurement - at the Wrist

During the last six years STBL has developed with its partners a monitor the size of a wristwatch. CARUNDA24 can be comfortably worn on the wrist allowing continuous blood pressure measurements, without the need for pressure-cuff or catheters. The system measures the pulse wave pressure at the surface of the skin enabling non-invasive determination of the blood pressure allowing important vital data to be measured continuously without interfering in the daily routines of everyday life.

Funding Clinical Testing via Crowdfunding

STBL has successfully completed pre-clinical studies and registered patent applications in several countries (Switzerland, Europe, USA, Brazil and Japan). Clinical testing must now be completed in order to obtain medical certification and begin with the production of the CARUNDA24 system. STBL is launching an international crowdfunding campaign which runs from 2th October 2013 to 15th January 2014 to raise CHF 500'000 required to fund the clinical validation.

Backers Will Be the First to Benefit

Become a backer and support the development and clinical testing of the revolutionary CARUNDA24 system with a few mouse clicks on Depending on the amount and in accordance with the provisions of the Terms and Conditions (TaC) of STBL to crowdfunding for CARUNDA 24 they get a different crowdfunding reward. You will receive a reward depending on the size of your pledge: from  an amount of CHF 575 "Backers" will receive an engraved CARUNDA 24 blood pressure measuring system from the first limited production series. Provided that the conditions laid down in the terms and conditions are met.
"The Clinical Trial phase will begin as soon as the funding is available," explains Bruno Keller, shareholder and board member of STBL. "We expect to deliver the first CARUNDA24 systems in the second half of 2015."


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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