Teleflex wins AARC Zenith Award for 2013

Teleflex Incorporated (NYSE: TFX), a leading global provider of medical devices for critical care and surgery, announced that it has received the prestigious American Association for Respiratory Care (AARC) Zenith Award for 2013.

Teleflex's Hudson RCI® brand has been a leader in respiratory care for more than 65 years, with a broad portfolio of clinician inspired products, technologies and programs designed to drive efficiencies and satisfy unmet clinical needs in an ever-evolving global healthcare environment.

"We are honored that AARC members have again chosen to recognize Teleflex as a trusted industry partner," said Cary Vance, President, Anesthesia & Respiratory Division, Teleflex. "We're proud of the relationship we've built with our valued clinicians as we continue to share with the healthcare community our fundamental purpose: to provide outstanding service and practical innovation that serves to promote patient and provider safety."

The AARC established the Zenith Award in 1989. Each year the association's 52,000 members select five companies, from a field of 400, to receive this honor of excellence. This year manufacturers and service organizations were evaluated on the following criteria: outstanding service, quality products, accessibility and helpfulness of sales personnel, responsiveness, truth in advertising and support of the respiratory care profession.

"I am pleased to see Teleflex recognized for the second year in a row as an AARC Zenith Award winner," said AARC Executive Director and CEO Thomas Kallstrom, MBA, RRT. "Teleflex's commitment and dedication to our patients and respiratory care community and as a Corporate Partner is much appreciated."

Teleflex will accept the award at a ceremony during the AARC 59th International Respiratory Congress, November 16-18, in Anaheim, CA.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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