All China Biotech Conference & Exhibition to be held in Nanjing on May, 2014

Jointly organized by Nanjing Pushlong Business Management Co., Ltd. and more than 10 national associations, the All China Biotech Conference & Exhibition (Biotech China) will be held in Nanjing on May 14-16, 2014, providing a platform for business and academic exchanges.

Biotech China 2014 will cover an exhibition space of 24,000m2, which will be divided into 11 zones, namely the International Zone, Biotech Zone, Gene Industry Zone, Bio Pharmaceutical Zone, APIs Zone, Analytical Instruments Zone, Pharmaceutical Machinery and Equipment Zone, Packaging Zone, Clean Tech Zone, Healthcare Zone, and Services Zone.

Biotech China features a series of academic conferences and business-oriented programs, covering almost every aspect of the value chain, from R&D to financing, from service to manufacturing. By now, confirmed simultaneous events include the 7th Annual World Cancer Congress, the 5th Neuro Talk, the Product Manager Meeting, the Bio Art Forum, and Insight on Future Development of Bio Medicine Industry in China.

So far, nearly 60% of the booth space is already sold and reserved and most of the available space is very popular. Interested organizations and companies will need to hurry up.

Internationally, pavilions from India, Taiwan, Israel and Korea have already booked their space at Biotech China 2014, while the organizing committee is also in close contact with organizations from Germany, Finland, Malaysia, etc. to nail down more national pavilions. It is estimated that more than 50 international companies from 18 countries and regions will participate in Biotech China 2014.

Domestically, more than 150 domestic companies have registered for Biotech China 2014 by the end of November, covering R&D, pharmaceuticals, machinery and equipment, clean tech, analytical instruments, APIs and services sectors. Delegations from China National Association of Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Industry Technology Market, China Health Industry Alliance, China Association for Instrumental Analysis, Alliance of Bio-Box Outsourcing, China, China Medical Bio-Immunological Institute, China Pharmaceutical Profession Association, China Association for Healthcare Industry, China Medicine Health Industry Association and industrial bases from Guangdong, Sichuan, Yantai, etc. have also confirmed their participation.

The presence of leaders from the entire bio-pharmaceutical value chain will make Biotech China an ideal arena for strategic deal-making and networking. Register now to meet more than 15,000 professionals in a 24,000m2 show ground represented by 400+ exhibitors from 18 counties and regions.


Biotech China


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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