Dec 13 2013
In an exclusive interview with the Voice of Russia, political activist Karl Denninger discusses Obamacare, medical monopolies, and why Democrats are likely to lose the next midterm elections.
An American businessman, financial pundit, one of the early supporters of the Tea Party movement, as well as the author of Leverage: How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World, Denninger sat down with the Voice of Russia to answer the following questions.
Is Obamacare a Ponzi scheme?
No. A Ponzi scheme lets the first people who buy into it get very rich. In this case, the only people who are going to win are those who would not be able to obtain insurance at all at any price, because they have some kind of dreadful disease and therefore are uninsurable. It's kind of like calling the insurance company for your house and saying: "I'd like to buy insurance on my house. By the way, I just lit it on fire." More here.
What is your forecast for Obamacare? Will it survive the next two years? Three years?
I think Obamacare is going to blow up within the next year. I don't think it'll get through the end of 2014. More here.
What are the political implications of the failure of Obamacare?
It foretells a potential disaster for the Democratic Party in the Senate, because it's going to be almost impossible to convince the majority of Americans that they should stay with something like this when their health insurance got cancelled two weeks before the elections were held. More here.