Jubilant Biosys expands drug discovery alliance with Janssen Pharmaceutica

Jubilant Biosys, a Bengaluru based subsidiary of Jubilant Life Sciences, announced today that it has expanded its drug discovery alliance with Janssen Pharmaceutica N.V., Beerse, Belgium. The alliance was forged initially in the year 2011 and aims to deliver preclinical candidates to Janssen. The new agreement into multiple therapeutic areas has been expanded owing to Jubilant's diversified skill sets in various therapeutic areas. Most of the research will be undertaken at Jubilant Biosys, India and some parts at Jubilant Discovery Center, USA.

Janssen Pharmaceutica, Belgium is part of the 'Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson.' The collaboration between the two organizations has been expanded to leverage Jubilant's drug discovery capabilities on selected drug discovery targets to advance programs in multiple disease areas. Jubilant will carry out research services and will deliver preclinical candidates to Janssen for potential development and commercialization. In addition to research funding, Jubilant will also receive milestones and royalties should Janssen successfully progress the assets into clinical development and commercialization.

"We are pleased to announce the expansion of the Janssen-Jubilant collaboration and look forward to discovering Novel Chemical Entities (NCEs) that address the unmet medical needs in these important disease areas," said Dr. Subir K. Basak, President, Jubilant Biosys (Global Drug Discovery Services). "Over the past several years, we have been strengthening our disease franchises from a scientific perspective, and this collaboration serves as a validation of those efforts. We look forward to a long, and mutually beneficial, partnership."


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