Arizona sued over abortion restrictions

Abortion providers filed suit Wednesday to block new state regulations that limit the use of the most common abortion drugs. Meanwhile, two more Texas abortion clinics are closed as a result of that state's restrictions, bringing total closures to 12. 

Los Angeles Times: Suit Filed to Block New Arizona Abortion Regulations
Abortion providers have filed suit against Arizona to block a new rule that limits the use of medications to induce abortions. The rule is part of state-mandated abortion regulations that are scheduled to take effect April 1 (Carcamo, 3/5).

The Associated Press/Washington Post: Arizona Sued Over Rules Limiting Abortion Drug
Abortion providers said Wednesday that they have sued the state of Arizona to try to block new state rules limiting the use of the most common abortion drugs. The lawsuit filed in federal court in Tucson alleges that the new rules required under a 2012 law will effectively block the ability of many women to have abortions (3/5).

The Associated Press/Washington Post: 2 More Texas Clinics Closing Amid New Abortion Law
Two more Texas abortions clinics are closing because of new restrictions placed on the facilities by the Republican-controlled Legislature. Ten clinics have already closed because of a new law, which strictly limits where, when, how and from whom women can obtain abortions (3/6).

http://www.kaiserhealthnews.orgThis article was reprinted from with permission from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent news service, is a program of the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonpartisan health care policy research organization unaffiliated with Kaiser Permanente.



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