A new resource designed to guide the academic leadership search and recruitment process, Searching for Leadership: Best Practices for Academic Institutions, has been released by the Association of Academic Health Centers (AAHC). The guide concisely illustrates the steps necessary to increase the potential for a successful choice through a structured search process that speaks to the values and needs of each institution.
Developed with the advice and insight of academic leaders and leading search firm executives, this resource offers a clear and efficient approach to finding the "right" candidate by breaking down the search process into three coordinated phases as well as providing detailed best practices for those involved in the search process. "Recruiting and sustaining the wide portfolio of leaders that work within an academic health center is paramount to institutional success. However, I have observed first hand that the search process to fill these key leadership roles can be less than optimal," said the guidebook's author, AAHC President and CEO Dr. Steven A. Wartman.
Because the process of searching for new leaders and key faculty cannot be separated from the characteristics of successful leaders, the guide also presents a straight-forward analysis of leadership skills. This unique and valuable resource can assist academic institutions in developing, strengthening, and improving the search process for high-level appointments and key faculty positions – including but not limited to Presidents, Chancellors, CEOs, Vice Presidents, Deans, Institute/Center Directors, and Department Chairs.
"Recruiting and sustaining new leaders and faculty is one of the most important actions to be undertaken by an institution," said Wartman, "I felt compelled to research and explore the elements of successful leadership and the processes institutions undertake to find leaders." This guide is the result of more than a year of research, surveys, and meetings with individuals with first-hand experience.