Rep. Jan Schakowsky visits Wockhardt plant, commends production expansion in Illinois

Rep. Jan Schakowsky visited Wockhardt's Morton Grove facility with a goal in mind: strengthening efforts to revitalize American manufacturing. Following a presentation of the facility's history, Representative Schakowsky toured the plant and inaugurated the Oral Solid facility that was created with $14 million capital investment. The facility is dedicated to the production of affordable, generic oral solid dose products.

In addition to the new Oral Solid Dose facility at Morton Grove, Wockhardt has recently added a new laboratory for Research & Development and additional laboratory space for Quality Control. With the recent acquisition of 9 acres of land adjacent to its existing facility, Wockhardt is poised to continue its rapid expansion in Morton Grove and increase the number of new jobs to the Morton Grove facility.

Wockhardt acquired Morton Grove Pharmaceuticals (MGP) in 2007.

SOURCE Wockhardt


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