May 20 2014
Since the Giant Salamander Museum opened to the public in 2010, it has played a significant role in the science education of Zhangjiajie local schools, and it was awarded national Science Education Base. On April 11, 2014, Zhangjiajie Giant Salamander Museum welcomed more than 400 students and teachers of Zhangjiajie Daqiao Centre School.
During the guided tour the students were excited to learn a great deal of interesting knowledge about giant salamanders and in the quiz session after the tour they were able to answer most of the questions correctly. This has laid a solid foundation for the promotion of giant salamander knowledge as well as giant salamanders and environment protection among the student society.
On April 2014, a total of 31,713 tourists has visited the Giant Salamander Museum (excluding VIP and group tourists), which exhibited a 40.12% increase from April 2013.