May 30 2014
"The movie seeks to remove blame from the individual who is obese and overweight," says Lisa Cimperman, RD, clinical dietitian at University Hospitals Case Medical Center about "Fed Up," a documentary on the obesity epidemic currently in theaters. "The overriding theme is the food industry and sugar are responsible for driving the obesity epidemic."
Cimperman contends the problem is much more complex and argues against demonizing one food group because it doesn't encourage people to change their lifestyle or eating habits. She says the National Weight Control Registry has shown people who have lost a significant amount of weight, going from obese to healthy, in addition to eating healthier, exercise for at least one hour a day.
"It is a good movie to see because it is provocative, because it makes you think about the problem," says Cimperman, despite her problems with the premise. "I think to blame it on the food industry takes the power away from the individual."
Source: University Hospitals Case Medical Center