Jun 28 2014
Upledger Institute Clinic in conjunction with the Ricky Williams Foundation announced today the launch of their concussion therapy pilot program aimed at treating current and former members of the NFL.
Designed for football players with a predisposition to Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), the five-day intensive clinical pilot begins on July 14th at the headquarters of Upledger Institute International in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. The intensive manual therapy program utilizes CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Neural Manipulation and other healing modalities aimed at helping the body heal itself.
CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, hands-on treatment modality that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and performance. Developed by Osteopathic Physician John E. Upledger, therapists focus upon the removal of restrictive forces within the membrane system surrounding the surface of the brain, the bones of the skull and vertebral column, including the sacrum and coccyx.
The objective of this study is to demonstrate that advanced therapies administered by certified, licensed manual therapists will help to alleviate the symptoms of post concussion syndrome.
Ricky Williams, who played professional football for 12 seasons and, like all players, suffered repeated trauma to his head and body during his career, strongly supports this pilot program. In describing one of his best seasons as a player, Williams said, "During the summer before the 2009 football season, I went through the CranioSacral Intensive Program at The Upledger Institute looking to deal with some nagging physical complaints I had from past injuries. I ended up getting the relief I was looking for and much more. I credit much of my wellbeing and my 1000 yard season to the multi-modality manual therapy program I experienced at Upledger."
Upledger Institute Clinic