Consumer Health Products Canada (CHP Canada) applauds federal Health Minister Rona Ambrose for beginning consultations on a proposed consumer health products framework.
The proposed framework, once complete, will create a more modern, flexible, innovation-friendly regulatory environment for over-the-counter medicines.
"With this initiative, Minister Ambrose is recognizing the importance of supporting Canadians in their efforts to take more control over their own health," says Karen Proud, President of CHP Canada. "A key element of this initiative is the creation of a regulatory environment that ensures consumers have better access to safe and effective over-the-counter medicines to facilitate the practice of responsible self-care."
Canadians use over-the-counter medicines and natural health products every day to manage their headaches, colds, allergies, cuts, bug bites and other minor ailments. This is an important part of self-care. Supporting this kind of behavior not only helps Canadians manage their own health, it also helps to avoid unnecessary doctor visits, and makes the healthcare system more sustainable.
CHP Canada members have long advocated for an evidence-based approach to consumer health products that recognizes the value of self-care and is distinct from the approach taken with prescription drugs.
"We look forward to working collaboratively with Health Canada and other stakeholders to ensure Canadians have the necessary tools to manage their health, while maintaining the highest level of safety and efficacy of over-the-counter medicines," says Proud.