U.S. taxpayers bear 60% of the cost of smoking-related diseases, study finds

Cigarette smoking generates as much as $170 billion in annual health care spending in the United States, according to a new study co-authored by researchers at Georgia State University's School of Public Health, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and RTI International.

Dr. Terry F. Pechacek, a professor of health management and policy at Georgia State, was the senior author of the study, "Annual Healthcare Spending Attributable to Cigarette Smoking (An Update)," which was published Wednesday by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

The study found that taxpayers bear 60 percent of the cost of smoking-attributable diseases through publicly funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid. Despite declines in the rates of smoking in recent years, the costs on society due to smoking have increased.

Researchers found that smoking is responsible for:
•$45 billion in of Medicare spending per year,
•$39.9 billion in Medicaid spending per year and
•$23.8 billion in spending for other government-sponsored insurance programs per year.

The researchers concluded smoking accounts for 8.7 percent of annual healthcare spending in the U.S.

The analysis, conducted in 2013, used data from the 2006-2010 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey and 2004-2009 National Health Interview Survey.

Cigarette smoking remains a leading cause of serious, preventable disease in the United States, with adults reporting at least 14 million major medical conditions attributable to smoking.

The study concludes that "comprehensive tobacco control programs and policies are still needed to continue progress toward ending the tobacco epidemic in the U.S. 50 years after the release of the first Surgeon General's report on smoking and health."


  1. Scott Ewing Scott Ewing United States says:

    No intelligent person is listening to tobacco controls' santimonious twaddle anymore. That only leaves their paid shills that spew it, and the dumb sheep that listen to it.

  2. Kin_Free Free Kin_Free Free United Kingdom says:

    What a surprise to find that anti-smoker sympathetic organizations claim that smoking  costs non smokers zillions! They wrongly assume all non smokers are 'a bit slow on the uptake' and essentially greedy selfish people! They are considered to be so stupid that they cannot work out the contradiction when claims are made that smoking reduces BUT costs of smoking continue to increase.

    In reality it only corroborates the fact that smoking has been reducing for over 50 years in USA, BUT so-called smoke related illness continues to increase and most of these are now diagnosed in NON smokers. That they can claim these are caused by smoking, with a straight face, beggars belief but some people will continue ‘to believe’ despite the fact that LESS smoking = MORE cancers!

    Anyone who has looked at the science relating to SHS will know that it is effectively harmless, even beneficial to children, but the anti-smoker establishment continues to lie and deny this.

    One fact that should be highlighted is that NO illness has EVER been proven to have been caused by ACTIVE smoking (never mind SHS), using real scientific research - NOT ONE! Anti-smoker ‘proof’ is limited to mid C20th inexact statistical assumptions extrapolated to populations. They have never progressed from indications that smoking MAY be a risk related to some illnesses. The same is not true in relation to real causes such as asbestos or irradiated material, where that proof is easily obtained using real, hard science.  While many are capable of putting 2 and 2 together, some are still incapable of doing so.

    Anti-smoker propaganda, to condition the population into believing their absurd claims, is now in frantic mode. Propaganda has to be evaluated as to its effectiveness from time to time and if the message is not getting through, then that propaganda has to be increased, and boy has it increased! This is now costing governments ever massive amounts and should inform even the most optimistic anti-smoker nutter how it is all going for them.

    Not far from complete collapse now!!

  3. Kin_Free Free Kin_Free Free United Kingdom says:

    Why am I not surprised that my comment has been removed or that there are no comments on this questionable 'research'? The control of information and suppression of opposing voices is symptomatic of a sick society and a move toward a fascist or totalitarian culture. Sad to say isolationism is becoming more prevalent in the country that claims to be the land of the free!!

    “The roads to unfreedom are many. Signposts on one of them bear the inscription HEALTH FOR ALL’. The pursuit of health is a symptom of unhealth. When this pursuit is no longer a personal yearning but part of a state ideology, healthism for short, it becomes a symptom of political sickness.” (Petr Skrabanek.)

The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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