Dec 14 2014
Dental hygiene has been a long practice of humans, stretching back to our ancient times, but that hasn't stop modern kids from disliking the daily routine. Many parents scramble new tricks in an effort to make the experience more attractive. Telling stories, buying musical toothbrushes, and singing songs are tactics parents use from their sleeves to spice up the process. To help improve the experience for kids and parents, Funmodity has created a new interesting product. They called it the "Garppy," a multi-tone color silicone cup that can attach to almost any manual toothbrush for an easy rinse. This jolly little invention not only adds a level of fun for kids, but provides a good amount of conveniences for adults as well. To help push the project into production, Funmodity is launching a Kickstarter campaign this month.
The Garppy, which finished development this month, is designed for ease of use, to save space, and to be travel friendly. The amount of handy benefits it offers might just persuade parents to give it a try.
"Ever since I started using it I stopped cupping water with hands or stick my head into the sink to drink from the faucet," the creator of Garppy says.