Advanced visualization solutions market estimated to reach $557.5 million in 2020

As healthcare systems across the globe churn out imaging scans in larger numbers, the need for advanced visualization (AV) solutions that enable physicians to effectively visualize and analyze examination results is rising. In the face of growing diagnostic workloads in Western Europe, AV solutions help physicians arrive at accurate diagnoses of pathologies, thereby enhancing patient management.

New analysis from Frost & Sullivan, Analysis of the Advanced Visualization Solutions Market in Western Europe, finds that the market earned revenues of $435.1 million in 2013 and estimates this to reach $557.5 million in 2020. The study covers workstation-based and thin client-based AV solutions. While medium and large establishments with an extensive post-processing workflow prefer enterprise-wide thin client-based AV solutions, smaller institutions with minimal post-processing needs remain loyal to workstation-based AV solutions. The market dynamics are changing, however, with the demand for new imaging modalities that require AV workstations nearing saturation.

Further, imaging and post-processing activities have moved outside the radiology department into different specialty departments, in turn boosting the market potential of AV solutions. With this development and technology innovation in medical imaging modalities occurring at regular intervals, it is not surprising that the Western European market has displayed a keen interest in efficient AV solutions.

"AV solutions are becoming an important element of the healthcare ecosystem as they enable physicians to access archived information and exchange it with other physicians over a common platform," said Frost & Sullivan Healthcare Europe Research Director Siddharth Saha. "With the aid of AV solutions, physicians can view information from different modalities on various platforms. They can also better integrate patient information from electronic medical records, picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), and health information exchanges."

More areas of opportunity exist for AV solution providers across Western Europe. While most physicians are able to view digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM) through their PACS, viewing non-DICOM clinical images and information remains a challenge. Thus, physicians are on the lookout for a common AV platform through which they can view DICOM and non-DICOM images simultaneously and share them across the enterprise.

"As such, any company providing highly reliable AV solutions that offer a wide range of functionalities and meet physicians' requirements will hold a position superior to its competitors," concluded Saha.

SOURCE Frost & Sullivan


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