Two in one to break cycle of poor diabetes management

Diabetes is a rapidly growing global health crisis with the number of confirmed cases doubling in 20 years to more than 380 million with three million sufferers in the UK alone.

Now final-year design student Oscar Daws from Brunel University London has come up with a streamlined device which has been selected for a prestigious exhibition on London’s South Bank and aims to vastly improve patients’ self-management of the disease.

Explained Oscar:

Current products treat glucose testing and insulin injection as separate processes, even though they should often be conducted together. They also nearly all rely on a large number of fiddly consumables to function – the main reasons behind poor management of the condition.

My solution - Gluco Duo – is a vastly improved glucose meter which works by simply opening the cap and pushing on a pad with no need for fiddly test strips or a separate finger pricker and a connected insulin pen, which work seamlessly together via a custom smartphone app.

The days of recording glucose readings and insulin doses are over, Gluco Duo works like you’d expect a 21st century device to -  and does both automatically.

The system required the sympathetic design of apps, products and technical mechanisms in order to deliver value to both patients, and healthcare professionals

His project is just one of more than 100 inspiring and innovative products at the Made in Brunel Exhibition which  takes place between Thursday June 18 and Sunday June 21 inclusive, admission free,  at Bargehouse, Oxo Tower Wharf, London SE1 9PH. Further details from

For further details or to interview Oscar please contact Mark Howard in the Brunel Press Office on 07712 742393. Email [email protected]

Source: Brunel University London


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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