Jul 7 2015
The National Cancer Center (NCC) of South Korea and Velos, Inc. have entered into a seven year agreement to expand the use of Velos eResearch for cancer research nationally throughout South Korea and internationally in collaboration with other research partners. The recent agreement signing was accompanied by a two day joint workshop between NCC and Velos in Seoul, South Korea.
National Cancer Center President Dr. Lee Kang Hyun remarked, "Through the contract renewal and workshops, I plan to promote quality improvement and stimulation of national clinical trials and to continue to play a leading role in the deployment and integration of multi-center clinical studies."
The agreement highlights the successful eight year partnership between the two organizations. Since 2007, Velos eResearch has been the NCC enterprise software platform for managing clinical trials and electronic data capture. In that time period, the NCC has run 117 Velos-based clinical trials across all Phases. The NCC uses the system for clinical and non-clinical tasks in eCRF development, data management, and analysis and is operating the web-based clinical trial management system to serve public interests.
Additionally, the National Cancer Control Planning Board has been supporting multi-center clinical research by recommending or requiring use of the Velos eResearch system. This has contributed to improvement in the quality of public clinical research in South Korea. The National Cancer Center's exemplary practices in the operation of Velos eResearch and its experience using web-based clinical research management systems have served as benchmarks for many agencies and organizations in South Korea and internationally.
"The NCC leadership team and staff have done a terrific job applying Velos eResearch on a grand scale," said John S. McIlwain, Velos CEO. "Their success is driven by their excellent operational practices, leadership team, and staff commitment. They have generated exceptional value from the product over the last eight years and will continue to over the next seven."