Jul 16 2015
TechSource National is pleased to announce the asset purchase of IMEBASE, a web-based application designed to create, track and complete independent medical examinations, medical peer reviews and other medical evaluative services.
"We're thrilled to have the IMEBASE product in our suite of services. It's a solid platform," said Dimitri Botos, Technology Director at TechSource. "Users love that it allows them to effortlessly organize their IME process so they can focus on other tasks."
TechSource National will continue to offer the IMEBASE product to its existing users and plans to expand its user base through new client acquisition and entering new markets for expansion. IMEBASE clients, ranging from small independent review organizations to large publicly traded firms, are currently located in California, Texas, New York and throughout the United States.
"We believe the IMEBASE user base will increase by 30% simply through getting the word out that this product is available to medical providers, third party administrators, insurance companies that conduct evaluative services, as well as our standard clients like IME firms," noted Botos.