With BackCare Awareness Week reiterating the fact that 80 per cent of people, who work across all industries and professions, will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives, workplace equipment supplier Slingsby says that nearly all work related back pain can be avoided.
BackCare Awareness Week starts on Monday 5th October 2015 and this year the campaign will reinforce the problems that prolonged sitting can cause. Slingsby supplies more than 35,000 workplace products to all industries including a wide range of products designed to facilitate standing at work and help make workstations more comfortable. In addition, the company is renowned as one of the UK’s leading suppliers of manual handling equipment, including trolleys, trucks, tugs and lifting equipment.
Slingsby’s Group Sales and Marketing Director, Lee Wright, explains: “The statistics surrounding back pain are startling and the vast majority of people will suffer from it at some stage. It’s a big issue across all industries but the good news is that nowadays there are nearly always products available to help prevent both back pain and its associated injuries occurring.
The problems associated with sitting down all day in front of computer screens are also well-publicised. With the majority of people spending such a large proportion of their time at work, it’s important to make sure that workstations are set up to promote a good posture and making a few simple changes can make a big difference."
“Ideally, when sitting down, your thighs should be at right-angles to your body, or sloping down slightly, and the optimal seat height will allow your feet to rest feet flat on the floor or else it may be necessary to use a foot rest.”
Lee continues: “We’re also seeing a growing trend towards adopting standing work positions. However, for anyone who spends all day on their feet, or has to stand in the same position for a long time, it can be a gruelling experience and quickly becomes uncomfortable.
“Plus prolonged standing on hard floor surfaces can have long-term health implications for the joints, feet, legs, ankles, lower back, neck and shoulders, unless anti-fatigue matting, perch stools and suitable footwear are used. The overall answer is to find a balance between sitting and standing and adopt a variety of positions throughout the day as well as leaving workstations and moving around at regular intervals.”