Oct 19 2015
The Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation (RNF), established by the Association of Rehabilitation Nurses (ARN) to help facilitate a project intended to have a significant impact on rehabilitation nursing and rehabilitation nursing research, awarded three RNF grants for a total of $18,583 in funding at the recent ARN Annual Educational Conference in New Orleans. These grants will include research into social networks on self-care, team work on patient outcomes, and effective patient education in Clean Intermittent Catheterization (CIC).
"On behalf of RNF, I congratulate the 2015 grant recipients and look forward to the contribution their work will make to the body of rehabilitation nursing knowledge," says Dr. Beverly Reigle, RNF Chair.
Raeann Genevieve LeBlanc, APRN MSN CRRN, was awarded the RNF New Investigator Grant for her research study, The Effect of Social Networks on Self-Care Behaviors and Health Outcomes Among Older Adults Living with Multiple Chronic Conditions. Ms. LeBlanc's work will determine how social networks and their characteristics influence self-care behaviors and affect health outcomes among community dwelling older adults living with multiple chronic conditions. Ms. LeBlanc is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Four other researchers, Cynthia Jacelon PhD, RN-BC CRRN FAAN, Lisa Chiodo, PhD, Sato Ashida, PhD; MPH, and Anthony Paik, PhD will serve as co-investigators to this study. The New Investigator Grant is designed to provide funding for the novice researcher.
Katreena Merrill, PhD RN, received the RNF Fellow Grant for her work, Phase Two of a Novel Interdisciplinary Teamwork Intervention at an Acute Rehabilitation Unit: Effect on Team Vitality and Patient Functional Outcomes. Phase one of this study has been completed. Phase two will utilize statistical analysis to explore the relationships between the Teamwork Intervention, rehabilitation team vitality, and patient functional outcomes. The analysis will explore if there is a significant difference between baseline and follow-up HTVI and FIM® data. Dr. Merrill is currently an Assistant Professor at Brigham Young University College of Nursing. Julie Cope, RN, BSN, MS Candidate, will co-investigate this study. The Fellow Grant is designed to provide funding for the experienced researcher.
Maureen LeDanseur, APRN MSN CRRN, was granted the Sigma Theta Tau International Grant for her study, Is the CABIC Clean Intermittent Catheterization Patient Education Effective (ICPEE)? This study will evaluate a recently developed protocol for nurses to use when teaching CIC to their patients--the Clinical Advisory Board for Intermittent Catheterization (CABIC) technique. Currently, a standardized best practice method for teaching this complex skill does not exist. The purpose of this study is to inform staff on optimal teaching technique for CIC. Ms. LeDanseur is a Clinical Nurse Specialist at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. The Sigma Theta Tau International Grant is designed to provide funding for research related to rehabilitation nursing for investigators with a master's degree in nursing.
Going Forward, RNF has implemented a new approach to support the ARN Research Agenda. The new program will fund one grant every other year for up to $30,000. The grant will address a specific topic that is important to rehabilitation nursing, has the potential for significant extramural funding, and has the potential of significantly contributing to the body of knowledge of rehabilitation nursing and thus practice. The first request for applications will address Transitions in Care with applications due March 1, 2016.
"I am very enthusiastic about our 2016 grant's program and believe that our new approach will strengthen our ability to provide the evidence needed for rehabilitation nursing practice," says Dr. Reigle.
Source: Rehabilitation Nursing Foundation