A fast, easy, and cost-effective 10-minute test helps ensure reliable moisture analysis results and meets the demands of regulated industries. This rapid testing puts ongoing results-assurance in reach of even the busiest labs to improve productivity and quality.

Routine moisture-analyzer testing between professional calibrations is an excellent way to ensure moisture measurements are consistently correct. However, regular performance testing is often neglected because traditional methods are time-consuming and impractical.
Now, METTLER TOLEDO offers a solution: SmartCal™. This innovative test substance offers a fast way to verify the performance of a moisture analyzer. Using SmartCal, performance testing takes just 10 minutes and it is done in the same easy way as a regular moisture measurement.
Additionally, as an overall functionality assessment, SmartCal simultaneously tests both the heating and weighing units. When results lie within expected tolerances, it lends validity to all measurements made since the previous test.
These results are viewed in a series of clear, readable measurement reports for straightforward monitoring. They can either be stored directly in the instrument or manually entered into a free, validated Excel® report.
METTLER TOLEDO also offers a certified version of SmartCal. cSmartCal is tested by the independent German Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing. It satisfies regulatory requirements and is ideal for highly-regulated environments that require an extra level of results assurance.
The best way to get started is METTLER TOLEDO’s SmartCal StarterPac. It contains everything needed to begin routine moisture analyzer testing: 12 sachets, all accessories - including the user guide - reporting templates, thermo-hygrometer, and validation documentation.