New research stating mothers must take a vitamin D supplement to protect new-borns from brittle bones and rickets, has been welcomed by health experts BetterYou.

The Mayo Clinic study confirmed that breast milk rarely provides enough vitamin D for new-borns, with less than half of infants not receiving the recommended daily vitamin D supplementation of 400IU.
Researchers said that the only effective way to eliminate vitamin D deficiency in new-borns is for mothers to take a supplement.
A study by the American Journal of Public Health reported that babies are born with around half of the mother's vitamin D levels, and as only 10 per cent of the body’s requirements are satisfied by diet, it is more important than ever that children's vitamin D levels are at an optimum.
Dr Benjamin Jacobs, consultant paediatrician at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital in London, says: “Vitamin D is especially important for children and their mothers. During pregnancy, or when breastfeeding, mothers need extra Vitamin D to maintain their own bone health, as well as providing nutrients to their baby.
“Babies in the UK should be given Vitamin D supplements from soon after birth as there is not enough natural Vitamin D in a normal healthy diet, and there is not enough sunshine in the UK to allow us to make Vitamin D ourselves.”
BetterYou has developed two award-winning daily oral vitamin sprays perfect for mother and baby. DLuxInfant and DLuxPregnancy are a convenient and effective method of delivering the recommended daily intake of vitamin D for both new-borns and mothers.
BetterYou’s DLuxPregnancy has been proven to guarantee optimal absorption of essential vitamins, pre, during and post pregnancy, bypassing the digestive system making it the ideal solution for those suffering from morning sickness.
Each dose delivers an optimal 1,000 IU (25mcg) of vitamin D3 along with the recommended 400mcg of Folic Acid, 6mcg of vitamin B12 and 100% of the guideline daily amount of vitamins K, B1 and B6.
BetterYou’s DLuxInfant daily vitamin D oral spray is suitable from 6 months old and provides 300IU of vitamin D (the recommended daily intake by the Department of Health) with each daily spray. It has a great natural strawberry flavour and can be used in conjunction with formulation milk.

Multiple clinical trials have found that oral vitamin sprays elevate serum vitamin D levels on average 50% faster than traditional tablets and capsules.
Researchers at Cardiff University, when testing BetterYou’s DLux vitamin D oral sprays, found that absorption within the mouth was far superior to the more traditional digestive route of tablets and capsules.