Jul 6 2017
As peak holiday season fast approaches, a new study by the popular holiday villa’s website www.oliverstravels.com has uncovered a shocking statistic regarding how many children seem to deliberately avoid the use of sunscreen.
Oliver’s Travels polled over 400 families across the UK to lift the lid on Britain’s holiday habits. When they asked parents what the naughtiest thing their children have done on holiday a staggering 25% responded with; “deliberately avoiding sunscreen”.
Oliver Bell from Oliverstravels.com said:
It’s definitely concerning to hear that so many children are deliberately trying to avoid protecting their skin. For kids, it can be a hassle to put on and to appreciate the importance of protecting themselves. Either way, this number is too high for comfort so something clearly needs addressing by parents. Children and teenagers might need stronger reminders or a helping hand, but setting a good example yourself and making it part of the daily holiday routine are great ways to help them learn and get into good habits.
NHS England recommends parents to:
- Encourage your child to play in the shade – for example, under trees – especially between 11am and 3pm, when the sun is at its strongest.
- Keep babies under the age of six months out of direct sunlight, especially around midday.
- Cover exposed parts of your child's skin with sunscreen, even on cloudy or overcast days.
- Use one that has a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or above and is effective against UVA and UVB. Don't forget to apply it to their shoulders, nose, ears, cheeks, and the tops of their feet. Reapply often throughout the day.
- Be especially careful to protect your child's shoulders and the back of their neck when they're playing, as these are the most common areas for sunburn.
- Cover your child up in loose cotton clothes, such as an oversized T-shirt with sleeves.
Get your child to wear a floppy hat with a wide brim that shades their face and neck.
- Protect your child's eyes with sunglasses that meet the British Standard (BSEN 1836:2005) and carry the "CE" mark – check the label.
- If your child is swimming, use a waterproof sunblock of factor 15 or above. Reapply after towelling.
Oliver’s Travels also caught up with a selection of families for a video to ask whole families about their guilty pleasures and naughty antics on holiday.
Source: http://www.oliverstravels.com/