At EUROISMAR 2019, Bruker today announced the European launch of the Fourier 80 system, a next-generation, high-performance 80 MHz Fourier Transform nuclear magnetic resonance (FT-NMR) benchtop spectrometer.
The Fourier 80 has been designed for organic or medicinal chemistry research, routine analysis, teaching or synthesis verification in any chemistry laboratory. Equipped with a novel, ultra-stable 80 MHz permanent magnet, it requires no cryogens, magnet power supply, water cooling or special laboratory infrastructure.

The Fourier 80 has been designed for highest data quality and stability at 80 MHz, with excellent lineshape, resolution and sensitivity in 80 MHz homonuclear 1H or heteronuclear 1H/13C FT-NMR experiments.
It runs Bruker's TopSpin™ software, giving users access to the extensive TopSpin library of 1D and 2D homonuclear and proton-carbon heteronuclear experiments and pulse programs. In addition, the Fourier 80 offers the new, easy-to-use GoScan™ software module for NMR novice users.

Building upon Bruker's decades of experience in high-field FT-NMR, the Fourier delivers robust high performance in a compact and affordable benchtop system. The Fourier 80 makes NMR accessible in essentially any lab where chemists work.
It can be installed on a bench or in a fume hood without the need for new infrastructure, with easy maintenance and minimal cost of ownership.
Novice NMR users can use pre-defined GoScan experimental options, while experienced users or lab managers can use Bruker's industry-standard TopSpin software to access additional acquisition parameters, or advanced processing options.
The Fourier 80 offers workflows and protocols for academic, pharma and industrial chemistry research, forensics and organic synthesis control.
It can be incorporated into chemistry education to introduce students to the power of FT-NMR. An optional teaching package with recommended experiments and spectra interpretation guidance is available.
The Fourier 80 can now offer 80 MHz high-performance, affordable FT-NMR capabilities to any chemistry laboratory, with a compact footprint, easy siting, as well as low maintenance and training requirements.
High-quality FT-NMR can now be used routinely in any organic chemistry lab, just like benchtop mass spectrometers or FT-IR systems have proliferated in chemistry for decades.
The Fourier 80 extends the reach of FT-NMR into many chemical or pharmaceutical industry markets where fast, reliable answers are paramount. Its education package gives undergradutate instructors the tools to introduce young scientists to the power of FT-NMR. With the Fourier 80 we further 'democratize' the many applications of FT-NMR in chemistry."
Dr. Falko Busse, Group President of Bruker BioSpin