Pittcon’s Continuing Education Courses Serve Niche Scientific Needs
Pittcon is pleased to announce its 2020 Short Course continuing education program, which includes the addition of nearly 20 new courses. Registration for the Short Course program, offered at Pittcon 2020 in Chicago, IL, February 29 - March 5, is now open.
The Pittcon Short Course program offers a variety of specialized classes covering relevant topics in analytical chemistry, spectroscopy, chromatography, life science, environmental science, water and wastewater, food science, and pharmaceutical science. The program also offers courses for broad-based application and general laboratory functions, including laboratory management, quality control, technical writing, statistics, data management, and laboratory safety.
Short Courses reflect the needs of the scientists, the scientific industries, and the research organizations that comprise the Pittcon community. This year, Pittcon will be featuring nearly 20 new courses ranging from infrared and Raman spectroscopy to metabolomics, from two-dimensional gas chromatography to solid state NMR, and from proper instrumentation application to cannabis testing.
Pittcon’s Short Courses are offered at affordable and accessible rates to scientists, students, and technicians at all levels of their careers. Significant discounts on ½ day, 1 day, 1 ½ day, and 2 day Short Courses as well as group discounts, student discounts, and free registration opportunities are available until January 9, 2020.
Pittcon is the premier annual conference and exposition on laboratory science. Proceeds from Pittcon fund science education and outreach at all levels – kindergarten through doctorate and beyond. Pittcon donates more than one million dollars annually to provide financial and administrative support for various science outreach activities, including scientific equipment grants, research grants, scholarships and internships for students, awards to teachers and professors, and grants to public science centers, libraries, and museums. Visit pittcon.org for more details on Pittcon’s mission, activities, and impact.
Short Course descriptions, pricing details, and registration information are available at www.pittcon.org/short-courses.