On a daily basis, labs usually carry out routine applications that can benefit from simplification. However, new users or those who repeat operations many times a shift may place special value on ease-of-use and procedural time-savings.
Improve productivity with customized access rights
In such cases, confusing balance operations can be an obstacle to smooth, efficient use, especially when users are not be familiar with selecting the right application or following the exact procedure. Moreover, inexperienced users may inadvertently change settings, which can lead to errors. These issues can be easily avoided by securing your balance with appropriate user-access rights.
Advanced level balances from METTLER TOLEDO allow you to ensure users only have access to the functionalities they need. By logging in with a password, users need not enter their personal details with each use, saving time. IDs can also be automatically logged on results to meet regulatory requirements and ensure that quality managers know who carried out each task, further enhancing efficiency and traceability.
Using case studies in industries such as food and chemicals production, "How Customizing Access Rights on Balances Improves Productivity" provides additional details on how the smart limitation of balance access leads to fewer errors and increased efficiency.