You're invited to join BGI/MGI's COVID-19 webinar series!

Join Erik Bogaard, Founding Partner of Task Force Lab (TFL), as he explains how the BGI/MGI COVID-19 Clinical Lab Partnership Program has accelerated population-level testing to help fight the on-going pandemic.

He will discuss how his organization leverages high-accuracy technology available in local warehouses to offer 24- to 48-hour turnaround times so their customers can get back to normal activity safely.

From this webinar, you will learn:

  • Nuts and bolts as well as immediate and long-term program benefits
  • TFL’s full service, on-site COVID-19 testing solution in different sectors
  • A case study in athletes/staff testing for 2020 AVP Champions Cup Series

Register Now, watch it later!

Click to Register

Contact us to learn more about how we can be your partner!

We look forward to e-meeting you at the webinar!


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