Canopy Biosciences, a Bruker Company, today announced the launch of a first in a series of assay kits for ChipCytometryTM, a quantitative, high dynamic range (HDR) and high-resolution multiplexing technology for spatial proteomics. The Canopy assay kits are validated and optimized for use with the Canopy ZellScannerONETM instrument to quantitatively image dozens of targeted protein biomarkers simultaneously on a single tissue section at single-cell spatial resolution.

Fluorescent image of human lung cancer FFPE sample with 13 protein biomarkers illuminated using the Spatial Immune Profiling Kit for ChipCytometry. Image Credit: Canopy Biosciences
ChipCytometry assay kits that are based on Canopy’s extensive experience in their antibody biomarker panels for services will provide researchers with reliable, ready-to-use reagents that have been extensively validated in a variety of tissue types. The release of these assay kits will streamline the user experience with ChipCytometry for a shorter pathway to meaningful biological advances. This first Spatial Immune Profiling Kit is a comprehensive kit for highly multiplexed, quantitative spatial phenotyping of key immune cell populations in human formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues.
“ChipCytometry assays enable us to investigate tissue samples and deeply phenotype cells. The time we spend in our lab optimizing assay conditions can be a challenge,” said Lixin Zhang, M.D., Ph.D., Research Scientist at University of Pittsburgh Magee-Womens Research Institute. “Using pre-validated assay kits saves us precious time that we can spend on other lab activities. The kit will allow us to reliably test more samples in a shorter time frame.”
These assay kits for ChipCytometry provide ready-to-use tools for highly quantitative, high-resolution and multiplexed proteomics studies for immuno-oncology, neuroscience and infectious disease research. Our scientists have extensive experience optimizing combinations of validated antibodies to create the highest quality data. The ChipCytometry assay kits will streamline researchers’ ability to spatially profile the tumor microenvironment, by eliminating time spent on validation.”
Edward Weinstein, Ph.D., President, Canopy Biosciences