SciY and Allchemy announce strategic distribution agreement

SciY is proud to announce a strategic distribution agreement with Allchemy, a pioneer in Artificial Intelligence (AI) driven drug discovery, co-founded by renowned experts Dr. Sara Szymkuć and Prof. Bartosz Grzybowski. This partnership is set to revolutionize the pharmaceutical landscape by expanding the reach of Allchemy’s innovative drug-discovery platform to new markets and enhancing the research capabilities of scientists worldwide.

Image Credit: SciY

Under the agreement, SciY will become the exclusive distributor of Allchemy’s cutting-edge computational synthesis and AI algorithms. The Allchemy platform, backed by a profitable business model through licensing and research grants, stands out for its comprehensive suite of tools. These include advanced retrosynthetic analysis, forward-synthesis exploration, and mechanistic studies, all powered by a unique knowledge base that includes “negative data” to avoid unfeasible pathways. The platform’s scalability extends from lab to industrial levels, considering reaction scale and by-products, ensuring efficiency and sustainability.

Allchemy’s AI-driven approach is not just about predicting molecular properties; it’s about innovating the entire synthesis process.”

Sara Szymkuć, PhD, Co-Founder and President, Allchemy.

“Our platform allows for comprehensive synthetic-organic analyses, both for route planning as well as the creation of customizable, drug-like scaffolds and can generate thousands of lead candidates quickly, tailored to specific bioactivity profiles. It’s designed for chemists and organizations aiming to enhance synthesis planning and execution with precision and sustainability.”

SciY will distribute Allchemy’s drug-discovery platform as part of its vendor-agnostic software platform, ensuring seamless integration with SciY solutions that digitalize the lab and enhance the decision-making process. This integration exemplifies the synergy between Allchemy’s innovative approach and SciY’s commitment to streamlining data management and analysis, empowering scientists and researchers to accelerate scientific discoveries and enable precise decision-making.



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