Identifying barriers to effective cardiac rehabilitation

Announcing a new article publication for Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications journal. Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) typically consists of physical activity supplemented with lifestyle modifications, including smoking cessation, adherence to a healthy diet, stress management, medication adherence management, risk factor reduction, psychosocial support, and education.

Because CR involves important changes in lifestyle and physical activity, self-management is central to successful CR. Proper knowledge regarding, and attitudes toward, CR are key to effective self-management.

Consequently, identifying knowledge gaps, misconceptions, and misunderstandings regarding CR could improve attitudes and practice. This study examines CR knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) among patients with HF and cardiology healthcare providers.

Journal reference:

Chu, Y., et al. (2024). Cardiac Rehabilitation Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice among Patients with Heart Failure and Cardiology Healthcare Providers. Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications.


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