Addressing the physical health risks related to excessive video gaming

Gaming is a popular activity, especially for young people – and with summer drawing to a close, more and more children may be opting to spend time playing video games as opposed to enjoying time outdoors. Teenagers, in particular, may be turning to video games as a means to unwind from school stress in the evenings and on weekends.

As a result, parents will be wondering about its potential negative consequences for their children. While the potential mental health impacts of gaming are widely reported, the physical health issues caused by playing video games for extensive periods are often overlooked, and they could become an issue for many children and teens binge gaming.

With that in mind, Emre Aksu, a spokesperson for online gaming site 1337 Games, discusses how to avoid some of the most common gaming-related health issues so that gamers can continue playing video games safely.   

“Gamer neck” and poor posture 

“Gamer neck”, also known as “nerd neck”, can occur due to poor posture while playing video games. When you lean your neck forward for long periods of time, it can cause it to become unnaturally positioned. “Gamer neck” can also cause neck and back pain, alongside neck stiffness, due to the abnormal posture, and these issues may linger even after switching off your game. 

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome “gamer neck.” It’s sometimes difficult to control your posture while engrossed in a game, but being mindful of how you’re sitting may prevent issues. Playing in a specialized ergonomic gaming chair with a straight, high back will encourage correct posture and allow you to sit comfortably. 

Regular stretching is another effective way to relieve stiffness, pain, and tension accumulated because of poor posture. Stretching your arms, neck, and back every hour or so should make you feel better and prevent further symptoms from mounting.   

Musculoskeletal issues  

Musculoskeletal issues are one of the leading health problems associated with gaming. This can include carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain injury, and pain in the wrists and hands. 

Carpal tunnel syndrome arises when pressure is applied to the ‘median nerve’ in the hand, which controls fine motor skills such as moving fingers and hand muscles. This can cause symptoms such as numbness, tingling, weakness and pain in the hands and fingers. It’s important to take steps to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, and seek immediate treatment when symptoms arise, as it can cause lasting damage.  

Key steps can be taken to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other musculoskeletal issues. For PC gamers, elevating the wrists to be level with the keyboard and mouse will ensure that there is circulation throughout the wrist and hand to prevent the nerve from being trapped. A small, soft cushion can assist in elevation and make your wrist position more comfortable. 

For console gamers, opening and closing your hand repeatedly between sessions can be helpful, as can bending your wrist forward and backwards or side to side before rolling the wrist. These exercises will enable circulation to flow through the wrist and guarantee some movement for the median nerve. 

Warming up your hands and wrists before playing and stretching them after finishing may also be helpful. Each of these methods should help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, as well as pain caused by overuse or repetitive strain injury.  

Eye strain, vision problems and headaches 

Eye strain, vision problems, and headaches can occur if you stare at your screen for too long. Screens may cause you to develop eye pain, blurred vision and headaches – especially if you are already susceptible to them or suffer from migraines. 

You can counter these symptoms by taking regular breaks from gaming. It’s a good idea to follow the 20-20-20 rule, which suggests taking a break of at least 20 seconds every 20 minutes to look at something that is at least 20 feet away from you. Additionally, taking longer breaks from screens every hour or so, for at least 15 minutes, will help prevent any significant eye problems or headaches. 

Using a blue light filter on your computer or video console screen may also counter any eye problems, as blue light can be harmful to your eyesight. Many laptops and TV monitors now feature built-in options for limiting the amount of blue light emitted from their screens. Alternatively, you can buy protective glass screens that filter out blue light or wear blue light-filtering glasses.   

Hearing loss  

Hearing loss can occur due to extensive exposure to loud noises and music while playing video games. This can be particularly pertinent in games with loud music or loud, sudden noises, such as action or fighting games. However, hearing loss can be countered by maintaining lower volume levels and playing sound through speakers as opposed to headphones. 

If you understandably want to listen using headphones, over-ear headphones are better than in-ear headphones, as the sound does not travel directly to the ear canal, which allows more space for the sound to reverberate. They also typically have better noise cancellation features, which minimize ambient and external noises, meaning that you don’t have to turn up the volume as loud.   

However, even with over-ear headphones, you should control the volume Generally speaking, you shouldn’t set the volume higher than 50-60% of the maximum volume capacity. 

Many devices have noise level warnings, which may notify you if you exceed the advised volume level. Try to resist disabling this feature, as it may help protect your hearing in the instance that you accidentally exceed the recommended volume.   

Obesity and blood clots 

Sedentary people are at risk for obesity and blood clots. Physical inactivity can cause obesity, and sitting for long periods can interrupt circulation, allowing blood clots to form, particularly in the legs. These complications can be extremely dangerous, so it’s best to do everything you can to prevent them from developing.   

Taking breaks from gaming every 90 minutes to walk around will enable healthy blood flow and reduce the risk of developing blood clots. This break doesn’t have to be excessive – a five-minute trip to the kitchen, for example, will significantly reduce your risk.   

Furthermore, being conscious of your leg position while playing can reduce blood clot risk. Crossing your legs or tucking them underneath or behind you should be avoided as it can restrict blood flow. Instead, stretch them out as much as possible. 

It’s a good idea to intersperse your gaming routine with exercise; this doesn’t have to be high intensity, and even a 30-minute brisk walk every day could significantly benefit your health.   


Dehydration can affect gamers if they become so immersed in the game that they forget to drink water. Having water or another drink nearby you at all times will prevent dehydration.   

Some gamers may also limit their fluid intake to avoid needing the toilet and having to pause their game. This mindset isn’t advisable, as it will not only result in dehydration but may encourage individuals to suppress their bladder needs, which can cause a variety of health problems. 

Remember that toilet trips are an excellent opportunity to take a break and stretch your legs. Dehydration combined with other potential gaming-related symptoms, such as headaches and pain, may cause you to feel quite unwell, but these relatively low-effort tips can easily circumvent it.   

Fatigue and insomnia 

Tiredness and fatigue are common in gamers who experience insomnia and a disrupted sleep schedule. This can arise in gamers who play late or right before bed, as this may result in fewer sleeping hours. Gamers who play for long hours, particularly during the evening and nighttime, may also struggle to switch off when going to bed, due to the sensory stimulation of video games. 

This can be averted by sticking to a specific routine while gaming. While this will require some restraint, it will allow you to feel more invigorated while playing and ensure you enjoy your games to their full potential. Avoiding gaming a couple of hours before you plan to sleep will allow you to switch off at nighttime. 

Similarly, limiting your gaming hours is one of the best steps you can take to prevent insomnia. Gaming at the same time each day, for a specific period, will mean that you can enjoy yourself while still feeling energized throughout the rest of the day and reducing the risk of adverse health effects. 


1337 Games


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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