Earthquake aftermath linked to higher rates of menstrual irregularities

In research published in Brain and Behavior, investigators found increased rates of menstrual irregularities in women living in areas affected by the 2023 earthquake in Turkey.

In the study, 309 women of reproductive age living in regions declared as disaster areas completed online forms 9 months after the earthquake. Responses revealed an increase of menstrual irregularities from 14.3% before the earthquake to 44.8% after the earthquake. Risk factors for menstrual irregularities included post-traumatic stress symptoms, chronic diseases, and smoking.

The findings reveal that reproductive health can be significantly affected in the aftermath of natural disasters, and they highlight the importance of addressing mental health in post-disaster interventions to mitigate these effects.

Traumatic events like earthquakes can disrupt not only physical but also hormonal and psychological balances, which can directly affect women's reproductive health."

Sibel Kiyak, RN, PhD, corresponding author of Necmettin Erbakan University

Journal reference:

Kiyak, S & Bati, S., (2024) The relationship between menstrual cycle pattern and post-traumatic stress in women following the 2023 earthquake in Turkey. Brain and Behavior.


The opinions expressed here are the views of the writer and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of News Medical.
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